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Monday, October 26, 2009

It's time to postpone

Surely it's hard to do ,,,, have to giving much harder effort on it... Postpone my blogspot daily-times... My target is to have a brighter future, is investing my relations on architecture-working... It's hard for me when i prefer doing my own personalities more than my architecture-working...

but, people reminds me,,, time would not be enough... to achieve all in time, except one : I'm in Focus-mode... Believe me it's hard for me actually... Being focus, have been my own weak for a long time till now... Focus, is not about having fun, easy-going, and playing. It's a target, and i shouldn't hate it... It's for my self sake, my own future idealism, and nothing needs my own provation but only my focus...

I'm having much dreams, i know it,,, I'm having much to-do-list, I'm glad so... But, getting one focus-minded is nothing I have, one thing that i have to learn from Zero...

[sighing...] after this years passed by, i'm still zero?.... almost a biggest failure to ended this year... 2009 passed by my own biggest failure,,, my zero,,, and i have 2 months left, to know how to start over my year 2010 then...

[sobbing...] needs motivation, needs realism, needs mad-dog... ^___^ it's gonna be hard end-year... 'll be a great fight to survive it...


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